إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق

RES is the new way to pay. You can find the nearest shops around any time, anywhere with the RES official app.
RES is a currency used inside a local network of small and medium enterprises. The value of a RES is the same of an Euro, but with the advantage that you will get always a 10% more for each currency exchange. This means that if you exchange 100 Euros, you will get 110 RES. Additionally, you will get access to exclusive promotions and offers, giving you more for your money.
The main goal of RES is to encourage the local businesses, the small business that gives personal, friendly and easy-going treatment that you couldnt find in big companies. The local business that gives life and breath to your city or local neighbourhood.
RES was born at Belgium 15 years ago, and has 5.000 business in its network with 100.000 active users.